Blecon Events
Describing the events that Blecon generates and how they can be used
Last updated
Describing the events that Blecon generates and how they can be used
Last updated
Everything that happens on Blecon, including the interactions between the Blecon Network and Blecon-Enabled Devices, can be represented as an Event.
To build a product on Blecon, you must capture, process, and respond to Blecon Events. To do this, you use Integrations.
Blecon Events are JSON documents. Their structure follows the cloudevents specification. You can see some examples of events below.
Device information from a cloud service.
A must be sent. The acceptable response formats are indicated in event data.
Always delivered as an array with a single element.
Device a one-way message to the cloud.
More efficient than a request, messages are a good choice for metrics and sensor data.
Request could not be handled by the route
Indicates a problem with the handler you have configured.
Could not find a for a device event
If a device makes a request and no filter matches it, this event is generated.
Device was spotted
Spotted means that although the device did not make a request, it was seen in range of a Hotspot. The rate of spotted events is limited by the network.
Device was on the network
You can use registered and deregistered to trigger provisioning logic in your application.
Device was deregistered from the network
Network errors
For debugging and developer information.