Blecon Hotspots

Introduction to Blecon Hotspots

Hotspots are how devices with Blecon Modems connect to the cloud. Any device can use any hotspot to communicate. Devices are not tied to any particular hotspot, and there is no need to pair devices. The Blecon network tracks the hotspots that are within range of a device and picks which hotspot a device will connect through based on the hotspot that will provide the best performance.

Blecon Hotspots come in two varieties: Software Hotspots and Hardware Hotspots.

Software Hotspots

Software hotspots take advantage of the Bluetooth capabilities that are already present in your mobile phone or PC. Installing the Blecon App is all it takes to turn existing Android, iOS, MacOS, and Windows devices into hotspots.

How to Get


Apple iOS

Apple macOS

Microsoft Windows

Hardware Hotspots

Hardware hotspots are standalone hardware that provides coverage in locations where software hotspots on existing devices are unavailable. Hardware hotspots offer the same zero-configuration setup as our software hotspots: just connect power!

How to Get

Blecon Hub

Blecon Hotspot security and privacy

All messages a Blecon device sends are encrypted before they arrive at a hotspot. As such, hotspots cannot read or modify any of the messages being sent through it.

To ensure privacy of hotspots, users of the Blecon network cannot see any details about the hotspot used to relay messages to the cloud.

Learn more about Blecon Hotspots

Visit our hotspot reference for additional details about Blecon Hotspots

Last updated