Blecon Hotspots
Introduction to Blecon Hotspots
Blecon Hotspots are Bluetooth gateways that connect devices with Blecon Modems to the cloud. Any device can communicate with any hotspot. Devices are not tied to any particular hotspot, and devices are not paired.
The Blecon Network tracks the hotspots within range of a device and picks which hotspot it will connect through based on which hotspot provides the best performance.
Blecon Hotspots require zero configuration
What makes Blecon Hotspots unique from other Bluetooth gateway devices is that zero setup is needed for Blecon Modems to use the hotspot to connect to the cloud. Every Blecon Modem can securely connect through any Blecon Hotspot without advance configuration or pairing.
Furthermore, getting a Hotspot up and running also requires no configuration:
For software hotspots, installing the Blecon app turns your mobile device or laptop/PC into a hotspot, even if the app is running in the background.
For hardware hotspots, one only needs to connect power.
Comparing Software and Hardware Hotspots
Software hotspots use the Bluetooth radio that is already present in your devices to provide Blecon coverage. This means that you may not need to deploy any additional hardware to provide your devices with Blecon coverage. Installing the Blecon app is all it takes to turn existing devices into hotspots.
Hardware hotspots package the Bluetooth and Internet connectivity required into a standalone unit. Hardware hotspots provide identical functionality to software hotspots, but can be useful for providing coverage in locations where existing mobile devices are not available.
Software Hotspots
Software hotspots take advantage of the Bluetooth capabilities that are already present in your mobile phone or PC. Installing the Blecon App is all it takes to turn existing Android, iOS, MacOS, and Windows devices into hotspots.
Apple iOS
Apple macOS
Microsoft Windows
Hardware Hotspots
Hardware hotspots are standalone hardware that provide coverage in fixed locations. Hardware hotspots offer the same zero-configuration setup as our software hotspots: just connect power!
Blecon Hotspot security and privacy
All messages a Blecon device sends are encrypted before they arrive at a hotspot. Hotspots cannot read or modify any of the messages being sent through it.
To ensure the privacy of hotspots, users of the Blecon network cannot see any details about the hotspot used to relay messages to the cloud.
Last updated