The Blecon Scanner

Introduction to how the Blecon Scanner is used to obtain Device Identity


The Blecon Scanner service helps build high-quality consumer-grade customer and installer device registration user experiences.

Identifying a device is a required first step in registering it.

Using the Blecon Scanner

The Blecon Scanner is a function of the Blecon App. The Blecon Scanner identifies a device using one of the below mechanisms and returns the device identity so that the device can be registered.

When building your customer device registration flow, you invoke the Blecon Scanner by having the user open a URL in this form:

This will prompt the user to install the Blecon App (if required) and then identify the device using the Blecon Scanner functionality. The device identity will be returned to the provided callback URL as a parameter called device_identity.


The callback URL can return the device identity to a web or mobile application as required.

Identification Mechanisms

QR Code

If your device has a QR code printed on it, the Scanner can scan the Device Link from the code and return it to your chosen callback URL.

Device Triggered Identification

The Scanner supports Device Identify, a state triggered by the device. Typically, you would trigger this state by pressing a button on the device. Other triggers might include shaking the device, applying power, or any predictable external condition the installer can cause.

When invoked, the Scanner scans for devices in the Device Identify state. It returns that device's identity to the callback URL as soon as it finds one.


If the device has an NFC chip, it can be programmed to provide the Device Identity. As with the QR code, the Scanner will return the identity to the callback URL.

Bluetooth Proximity (coming soon)

With Bluetooth Proximity, the installer can tap any Blecon device, and the Blecon Scanner will return the device's identity to the callback URL.

Last updated